Tag Archives: Mikimoto

‘The Mikimoto’ at Beverly Wilshire

there’s a saying that “diamonds are a girls best friend” but did the girl ever meet Mikimoto?

it may come as NO surprise that the oh-so-luxe pearl jewelry experts, Mikimoto, have a store front in the posh Beverly Wilshire – Four Seasons. for those who don’t know, Mikimoto is the foremost producer of the finest quality cultured pearls. The Mikimoto name is synonymous with superior quality at every stage, from the selection of finest materials to expert workmanship to their customer service commitment. Mikimoto combines timeless elegance with sophisticated, modern design. let’s just say – VERY LOLA APPROVED!

however, only 1/3 of my Mikimoto story has to do with the gorgeous pearl jewelry outfitter.

another 1/3 has to do with a legendary cocktail that is the signature drink of Beverly Wilshire’s The Blvd. ‘The Mikimoto’ is a delicious concoction which was served for 50 days in honor of the 50th anniversary of the Four Seasons brand last year at the Beverly Wilshire, Beverly Hills. during my most recent stay with Beverly Wilshire, i requested to try the signature cocktail of the hotel. the lovely staff arranged for me to sample ‘The Mikimoto’ at The Blvd one afternoon with the dashing General Manager as my companion & tour guide to my cocktail tasting. well…i had NO idea what a treat was in store for me. i should have known as Four Seasons makes even the ordinary special! the brand prides itself on making your stay customized, unique & memorable if you allow them the opportunity. I SURE DID and they did not let me down.

it was a like a scene from Pretty Woman. no, i’m not claiming to be any Julia Roberts. let’s not get carried away. BUT this IS my Pretty Woman moment.

so, there i am at the Reg. Bev. Wil. and the GM escorted me out to a coveted sidewalk table with staff waiting on us hand & foot. he had the menu at the ready for me to view. then, as they brought me the drink – well, it was delivered in the MOST GORGEOUS crystal glass i’ve ever seen. here’s the final 1/3 of the story. the Beverly Wilshire worked with Swarovski Crystal to have a special glass for their signature ‘The Mikimoto’ drink. i can’t decide what was more heavenly?! the cocktail, the glass or the fabulous pearl designer it was all named after.

OH, and did i fail to mention Mikimoto created a signature bracelet to go along with this special anniversary? well, i was able to test drive one of these beauties and i think i’m now in LOVE.

‘The Mikimoto’ cocktail is a combination of watermelon, mandarin & pineapple infused ultimat vodka, along with cointreau & finished with a lychee garnish shaped like none other than a pearl! all of this deliciousness can be yours for $19.

if you were lucky enough to be a patron during the anniversary celebration you could have your ‘The Mikimoto’ served in the stunning Swarovski Crystal glass to take home to the tune of $500. and if your date was a BIG spender then you could have the divine cocktail, crystal glass & bracelet all for $2500. to me, this is the best value! the Trifecta…a case where three isn’t a difficult number.

i was sold. BUT where was my sugar daddy?! just kidding – the experience was reenacted for me and this was good enough for lola – for now! 🙂

thank you Beverly Wilshire for making me feel like a Pretty Woman sipping my own gorgeous ‘The Mikimoto’. you certainly did make my visit a most memorable one!


Filed under california, los angeles, swanky luxe stays, travel