Category Archives: europe

livin’ la vida expat – my expat life

they say i’m a dreamer – but i’m not the only one (John Lennon)

lola is always the dreamer

soon i’ll be embarking on my longest time away from home in a LONG LONG TIME. i feel this time away will be like a small taste of living the life of an expat. this is something i’ve always dreamt of doing AND, while i think the dream is still a possibility, it DEFINITELY won’t be quite the way lola envisions it. let me tell you why!

in l0la’s dream expat life, i don’t need to work. i can just flit about traveling here and there from my home base. i can shop all the latest & greatest fashions. AND i can eat & drink everything and not gain a pound.

[READ] yeah…that month away in August/September without working out & eating everything in sight. YEP, i’m a good 10 pounds overweight right now.

i can stay up til all hours of the night & still function like i’m 20 the next day.

[READ] tried this, too, in August/September. it’s no longer working. this body needs it’s beauty sleep!! SHUT UP and let me call it that!

anywho… it’s my dream! AND in my expat dream, i will live in PARIS!

i know the first you are thinking is how on earth could lola afford such an extravagant expat life? is she an heiress of some kind or did she win the lotto? she always jokes about needing a sugar daddy so maybe she finally found herself one or perhaps 2! surely this lifestyle would require a couple!!

no matter the details of how i have my small fortune that keeps me traveling on without a care in the world. i suppose i should consider an international bank account to put money into so i can get my hands on it from anywhere. that should make things easier for my trustee too. goodness knows dealing with me isn’t always an easy job. just ask my sugar daddies 😉

BUT i digress, i know living in Paris might be nightmare for some people but for me it seems like a dream come true. (i’m SO excited that i will have over a week in Paris in one month’s time. Cinderella moment for sure!)

what would lola do in Paris…well, i referred to things i will do on my Eurotour BUT as an EXPAT, well, that would be another thing.

like i said, i would make Paris my home base and would certainly explore other parts of France that have LONG been a dream of mine! like the Champagne region – because, well, i wanna go where the birth of the bubbly began! AND i’ve always wanted to see Mont Saint Michel with my own eyes. then there’s the French Riviera. yes, i’ve driven that gorgeous coastline but haven’t done the whole yacht/beach/party scene and that is something lola should do in her lifetime.

then there’s all the other FAB countries in the EU waiting for a visit from moi. of course, i’d be doing a few repeats BUT there are many that i’ve never visited waiting to be ticked off my to-do list. LIKE Portugal, Switzerland, Sweden & Croatia – just to name a few!

can you imagine all the wine, cheese & chocolate i’d be eating?! it would be fantastic and i would still look super model skinny-ISH 😉 AND what of all the shopping i could do?!?! i’d have to use steamer trunks to get it all home after my stint of expat life.

BUT alas, this is just a dream – not reality & i must wake up and get ready for my real little expat tour next month. be on the lookout – your princess is on her way, petit prince!

bonjour! XO – lola


Filed under europe, france, travel

Europe’s most iconic landmarks

where i’ve been + where i’m returning!

LOLA – an icon in the making

lola loves iconic things! like famous fashion designers, old school actors, even the classic iconic cocktail. i think you know i’d like to be a bit of an icon myself! and then there’s Europe, home to breathtaking views, magical cities and some of the most iconic attractions throughout the globe. a European adventure would not be complete without a trip to one or all of these magnificent historical sites. i’ll be blazing a trail through Europe next month & will see quite a few of these famous iconic landmarks once again! *EXCITED*

Eiffel Tower – France

found in the city of love, Paris is home to the iconic Eiffel Tower. cruising down the city’s famous river Seine, travelers are lost in awe of the true beauty of this manmade structure. LOLA’S FAVORITE…brings a tear to my eye!

Stonehenge – England

the historical landmark of Stonehenge is one of the most famous prehistoric monuments in the world. truly a sight to be seen, this enormous stone structure dates back to 2600BC, when construction first began. this is one sight lola hasn’t seen!!

Cologne Cathedral – Germany

one of the largest cathedrals in Northern Europe, the Cologne Cathedral is a spectacular Roman Catholic Church. with building beginning in 1248, this historical structure displays breathtaking gothic architecture. it’s been many years but this landmark is gorge!

Grand Place – Belgium

representing the centre point of Brussels, the Grand Palace is truly a spectacular site. one of the most memorable landmarks, for travelers to Europe, the Grand Palace houses the breathtaking town hall and various other important buildings in Brussels. never been to Belgium – must go, MUST GO!

Colosseum – Italy

located in the historical city of Rome, the Colosseum is one of the most visited landmarks in Europe. commemorating the barbaric history of the country, the ruins of the Colosseum remain as a reminder of what life was once like. flights to Rome, combined with tour packages of the Colosseum, can be found for a very reasonable price. it is awe-inspiring for sure! i’m going on a special tour of the Colosseum when in Rome – CAN’T WAIT!!

The Louvre – France

one of the most famed art galleries in the world, the Louvre attracts millions of visitors each year. home to the brilliant works of the Mona Lisa and the Venus de Milo, amongst numerous others, this is one landmark that should not be missed. been there, done that. BUT will be doing again…LOLA-STYLE! stay tuned people.

St Mark’s Basilica – Italy

representing a period of the most brilliant architecture of all time, St Mark’s Basilica is visited by devout followers, history buffs and everyone in between. LOVE this square in Venice – even if it hosts the largest pigeon population in the world!

Buckingham Palace – England

this London landmark is home to the Royal Monarch and the primary place of official royal proceedings. while travelers are unable to enter this prestigious landmark, photo opportunities are aplenty. dear Queen Elizabeth, lola is still waiting for her royal invite!

Acropolis of Athens – Greece

the most well-known acropolis around the world, the Acropolis of Athens is perched atop a staggering cliff and is home to the remnants of several historical structures, including the famous Parthenon. LOVE! this was one of my MUST SEE sites of my lifetime. so happy i’ve seen it with my own eyes & walked those historical paths.

Brandenburg Gate – Germany

once a city gate, the reconstructed Brandenburg Gate is now a valuable insight into the history of Germany. situated in the city of Berlin, the gate is now one of the most famous landmarks throughout all of Europe. it is a beautiful gate. it’s almost as if you can feel all the history alive around you as you go through it!

which of these iconic landmarks have you visited?


Filed under europe, france, italy, london, paris, rome, travel

5 financial essentials you need while traveling through Europe

Numero Uno: Get a SUGAR DADDY!

mmmm – so sweet!

alright…just kidding!

i’m heading off to Europe in a few weeks for 30 days of touring all around that fine continent. do you know what that means? no, not lots of hangovers. lola doesn’t do those.

LOTS OF PLANNING is what! while i want to focus on my food, cocktails & sightseeing stories AND plan my outfits out, i must really be serious and think about other logistical things right now. LIIIIKE getting the right phone plan. HELL, how about just getting my seats secured on my flights. that would be a good start!

other important tasks (i think you know what i’m about to say) are thinking about finances while away.

tasks on my financial essentials hit list

number 1: have a few Euros on you upon arrival to start off on the right foot. i usually have some left over from previous visits to Europe and i feel comfort knowing i can buy a drink or take a cab without having to rush to find a decent ATM upon arrival. HMMM…i wonder, does the Czech Republic operate in Euros? more research!

money, money, money, money – MONEY!

number 2: maybe even more important than having those precious Euros is telling your bank your whereabouts and length of time out of the country. my bank will close down my account like Fort Knox if i haven’t given them the heads up. talk about awkward and irritating when you are going to the ATM for the first time. AND when you do get around to that withdrawal, be smart about it. what i mean is take out plenty of cash because typically you’ll be charged fees from the ATM & your bank plus a percentage of the withdrawal amount. SO – the less times you withdrawal money – the better! DUH

BONUS TIP: check your bank account online to find out if you bank partners with banks in the countries you’ll be visiting. if it does & you use these partner banks ATM’s, you can save on the withdrawal fees from both institutions!

what’s in your wallet?

number 3: AND the same is true for your credit card companies. in this world of theft & fraud, when you are suddenly on the other side of the globe – it may seem suspicious. all of these pre-trip calls are a pain but so necessary to make your time away seamless. c’mon, who wants to be paying for a precious souvenir only to have to make an emergency phone call to your credit card company because the card has been denied! SO embarrassing.

BONUS TIP: while you are on the horn with your bank & credit card companies, get their emergency collect call phone numbers while traveling abroad. obviously, write these down & leave them in a safe place in case your credit card, wallet or, god forbid, entire handbag gets stolen.

note the darling chip thingy-ma-jig

number 4: it’s also a good idea, pre-trip, to shop around for the best credit card. i’m not talking about the one with the most bling or clout. i’m talking about one that’s widely accepted and has the least or no foreign transaction fees. my bank recently starting carrying a card for frequent travelers and it even has that chip thingy-ma-jig that some retailers require your card to have to even be accepted nowadays. that’s correct – even more things to consider with your financial planning abroad.

hello money. let’s have a chat!

number 5: finally, it’s a good idea that you are set up and able to check your bank account online to check balances, etc. some banks have apps for this should you be traveling with your smart phone. i’m taking my laptop so i’ll be all set. i mean i will be gone from November 5 through December 5 soooo that means i’ll be having to pay some bills while on the road. sadly, they will not magically pay themselves!

am i forgetting anything?? what are your financial essentials when traveling abroad? 



Filed under europe, travel

Lola & Leah’s Eurotour 2012

T-minus 4 weeks – OH BOY!

is Europe ready for the Double L Trouble?

i THINK & HOPE you know that Leah, of Leah Travels, and i are going to Europe on one incredible whirlwind Eurotour in exactly one month. we have an idea of where we’ll be and what we’ll be doing BUT, you know, anything is really possible. we have our apartments squared away in Prague, Florence, Rome, Barcelona & Paris through Go with Oh. AND i guess this will keep us pretty much on schedule but i’m open to ANY extra adventures and am looking for ideas.

THIS IS WHERE YOU COME IN! i’m looking for a dare list of photo ops from you. what antics would you like to see lola pull? i’m not promising i’ll agree to every suggestion but i’ll at least consider it. C’MON, don’t be shy! leave me a comment or email me with your ideas and, before we set off, i’ll announce what photo dares i’m taking on to humor you.

i’m expecting to hear from you, first and foremost, our sexy video editors Captain & Clark – who should feel carte blanche in the dare category because i owe them. SHIT!

as well as some of my more outrageous, kinky & creative friends I Live to Travel, Waegook Tom, Scarlet Wonderland & Will Peach at the verrrry least!

here’s the warm & fuzzy video.

NOW gimme the naughty obstacles that i have to live up to on my Eurotour! I DARE YOU!!


Filed under czech republic, europe, france, italy, spain, travel

my 3 favorite travel memories…

and how they tell the story of who is lola

when i got wind of this blogger relay series going on, and then asked to join #teamBLUE by Christina from Jandal Road, i actually didn’t struggle much with which 3 memories i would pick. even though i’ve done my fair share of traveling, 3 really stand out for me and do a great job of representing who i am and what i believe in.

thanks to Christina for being our team captain and to Lowcost Holidays for sponsoring this campaign. the goal of the campaign is to have the longest chain of memories – one blogger passes the baton to next and so on. AND if you win the gold then you may win some great prizes too. if you’re interested in following along you can by following the hashtags #BloggerRelay and #teamBLUE on Twitter.

now onto my memories that make me moi

my minxy mouse encounter: DISNEY WORLD

Growing up in Texas, as a family of 6, we would drive EVERYWHERE for our family vacations. Florida was a popular destination as we could go to the beach or Disney World after a couple of days driving. i’ll be honest with you, i was a BIG fan of both of these vacation destinations. Florida is still one of my favorite places because of my childhood memories and fondness for the state. anyhow, i digress. this favorite travel memory is about me FINALLY meeting Minnie Mouse. here it goes…

even though we went to Disney as a family on several occasions, i somehow, after multiple visits, never seemed to be able to find her, shake her paw & get that precious photo-op. it was an inside joke within our family and an obsession of mine. i’d see her in the distance running off with Mickey and not be able to catch up. OR she’d be swarmed by a crowd and need to take a break from the heat of the Florida sun just as i was about to have my turn. it was RIDICULOUS the luck i had with that sassy mouse!

never was there a happier adult-child! (and i mean lola not the kid in the costume)

fast forward. many years later, my mother suggests we have a girls weekend at Disney. my mom, my sister & me. OK! sign me up – here’s my chance AGAIN!! going back to Disney as an adult was great. it brought back a flood of happy childhood memories and how magical the place can actually be. i found myself teary on many an occasion. AND i no longer had to chase that minx of a mouse all over the park. at this point, Disney had wised up and had the popular characters on continuous rotation over at the Toontown Fair. i waited patiently in line. over 30 minutes at least. they let in groups of 10, then you go one at a time to get your photo-op. i was so excited. i would be the first in our group of 10. it was finally my moment and unscripted i said “i’ve been waiting all my life to meet you!” WHAT?!?! this is a teenage person inside a mouse costume. i said to my mother “you better not mess this photo up!” my mom broke down laughing and said that the whole experience of me & my mouse encounter made the trip worth the expense. i proceeded to leave the meet & greet tent and buy myself a princess hat because, after all, i felt like one. the rest of the day little girls all over the park asked for my autograph!

why is this one of my favorite travel memories? it shows that even if it takes multiple attempts and many years, DETERMINATION CAN & WILL PAY OFF!

if you can make it there, you can make it anywhere: NYC

i am a determined & strong-willed person. i’m sure you can see that just from my Minnie Mouse meeting determination! 😉 so after several visits to the fine metropolis of New York City, i announced to the world that i would be moving there a few months down the road. ya know, after i paid off my post-college credit card debt & saved some money for rent, etc. it took me about 6 months but in that time i’d been working connections for roommates, places to stay while i apartment hunted, got a temporary job at the Gap as a back-up until i landed a “real job” and was working my “real job” connections too. NOTHING WAS GOING TO STOP ME FROM GOING FOR MY DREAM. much, much, much to my parents dismay.

look at that crown! not the Lady Liberty’s – MINE!

so, one day in late January, i took my one-way ticket and boarded an airplane to my future. the contents of my life were already en route via UPS in boxes. i just had to get to the big apple and find a place to call my new home. as soon as i landed i met up with a college-pal-turned-future-roommate and we began our apartment search. as it turned out we found the place we lived for the next year that very first day. AND, as they say, the rest is history. i did work at the Gap until i landed my first “real job” working in PR at a multimedia company.

now you are thinking…why is this a favorite travel memory?? because lola went for her dreams and succeeded. AND i made it there, so, you know…I CAN MAKE IT ANYWHERE!!

some of the best couple of months of my life: EURO TOUR VIA EURAIL

after some time in the big apple, i decided it was high-time for a new challenge and, heck, i was changing jobs & apartments anyway so why not just pack up all my stuff into storage and go off for a few months on my own to a continent i’ve never been. seems to make perfect sense, right? well…i did to me. again, not my parents so much but they knew me pretty well by this point in my life and didn’t try to hold me back.

just wait and see how differently i’ll look in front of the Louvre next time!

i’m a planner, so again, i saved up and plotted my attack – chasing the better weather as i headed to Europe in March and left in May. it was one of the most thrilling times in my entire life. i knew where i was generally going next but not everything i would see & do OR where i’d be sleeping each night. that made it exhausting too and by the end of my couple of months i was ready to get back to a normal routine of sorts. many friends met up with me along my journey and, of course, i made new friends everywhere i went. it was incredible in every way!

i love this travel memory because it was life changing. I WENT OUT ON A LIMB INTO THE UNKNOWN & RETURNED MUCH RICHER & WISER THAN I EVER EXPECTED.

so, there you have it. i would like to add, by this year’s end i expect a couple of these memories could be  knocked off by new ones. i have 2 BIG trips coming up that i believe to be opportunities of a lifetime. i head off to Cambodia in two weeks to build a house for Habitat for Humanity. this is similar to my 3rd favorite memory in that i’ve never been to Asia and i’ve never done a house build. i think it’s a fantastic example of putting myself out on a limb into the unknown & i fully believe i will be richer & wiser from the experience. my second big trip is with my wonderful friend, Leah, of Leah Travels all over Europe from November 5 to December 5. having the opportunity to revisit so many of the special places from my prior Euro tour with my travel partner in crime is something i never dreamt i’d be able to do. i’m beyond excited to share in the precious memories from my past and make new ones with Leah! you’ll want to stay tuned to this plot line for sure! the Minnie Mouse story can never be outdone 😉

thanks for reading my special travel memories!

the travel memories baton was passed to me by Henry from Fotoeins – check out his FAB memories from New Zealand. AND i get the pleasure of passing the baton now to a lovely chap, Tom, of Waegook Tom. we ALL cannot wait to read your favorite memories, sir.

Go #teamBLUE – let’s capture the gold!!



Filed under europe, florida, new york, travel