Tag Archives: miami toursim

i spy eye candy! – Miami

This week where in the world is lola? picked the EYE CANDY topic of MIAMI! it is, after all,  lola’s favorite quick escape. why? because it’s warm. it’s sunny. the ocean is gorgeous. so are the people & the pools. AND everything is sexy in Miami. it’s my happy place!

MY MIAMI – TE AMO! my ode to you:

M is for MIAMI, my love for you runs deep.

I is for IT’S the kind of love, where i dream of you in my sleep.

A is for ALWAYS the place i think of when i need to get away.

M is for MIAMI, you bring a smile to my face. you’re my favorite place to play.

I is for I hope it’s not too long before i return once again.

MIAMI you are so special to me. you’re like a long-lost friend!

what’s your quick escape happy place? what eye candy do you wish to savor over? let me know!

¡hasta luego – lola


Filed under eye candy, miami, travel