kickin’ off summertime with seaside mini-escapes!

summertime – my favorite time of year


WHY? well, in the Northern Hemisphere it is when things warm up and the sun shines the most. i’m a sunshine girl all the way and am happiest when by a pool or the ocean. so, nothing pleases me more than to return to some of my favorite summertime spots to kick off the season. it’s time for me to get footloose and fancy free because we’re knocking on summer’s door.

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this week i’m excited to be heading back up to Kennebunkport, Maine. i’ve been invited to come check out the stunning Nonantum Resort. with a history in Kennebunkport since 1883, Nonantum Resort is close to the shops, galleries and restaurants of Dock Square as well as some of the most pristine beaches on the East Coast. i’m super excited AND it just so happens they are having a little fete the evening i’m there. Nonantum Resort is opening their new waterfront restaurant. did someone say waterfront? um, yes please! 95 Ocean has been highlighted on The TV Diner and received the show’s “Platinum Plate Award.” some specials highlight Maine’s local farm produce as well as fresh herbs from The Nonantum’s garden and local seafood. sign. me. up!

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THEN, over the weekend, my dear friend Mrs. O Around the World is coming to visit and we plan to have a fun overnight in Boston, sampling the best that Beantown can offer in 24 hours. it’s been 7 years since Ana visited Boston so i’m excited to show her some new things around town. Boston is definitely one fantastic city that gets better all the time!

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AND after a quick ‘Best of Boston’ tour, Ana and i are off for a lovely drive down to Newport, Rhode Island. i was in both Newport and Kennebunkport over the wintertime. both have amazing things to offer in the off-season but truly the BEST season is the summertime. Mrs. O has never been to Newport so i’m thrilled to show her the ‘City by the Sea’ and all of its splendor. some of what is on deck for us there? i don’t want to make you jealous but a grand tour of the mansions from the sky! that’s right, a VIP helicopter tour because how else would you see the mansions of Newport if you are Lola and Mrs. O?! oh, AND a sailing cruise aboard an America’s Cup yacht with 12 Meter Charters. Ana and i are excited to have a special visit in Newport discovering its roots as the ‘Queen of Summer Resorts’ and the ‘Sailing Capital of the World’.

you can follow our tweets for both cities by searching the hash tag #TwoPlayBoston and #TwoPlayNewport.





Filed under boston, Kennebunkport, Maine, massachusetts, rhode island, travel, USA

26 Responses to kickin’ off summertime with seaside mini-escapes!

  1. LOVE the hashtags! Y’all don’t have too much fun. There’s still a great time to be had in Mexico. 🙂
    Leah Travels recently posted…Cruising Circle City: Exploring Indy’s Cultural TrailMy Profile

  2. Yishyene C via Facebook

    Mwah xx

  3. One thing you hopefully will NOT be celebrating in Boston with Mrs. O is a Bruins’ Stanley Cup championship 🙂

    Seriously, though, have a fab trip! I’ve always wanted to go to Maine… I’ll be following closely!
    Francesca (@WorkMomTravels) recently posted…Thoughts from a #TBEX first-timerMy Profile

  4. Boston must have beautiful summer weather! I went in the winter…..BRRRR

  5. @mrsoaroundworld

    I am so excited!! Can’t wait to get on the plane!!

  6. I NEEEEEED to get myself to Boston, STAT! xx
    Scarlett recently posted…Your Wedding Guest ListMy Profile

  7. will you be hanging with the bushs in kennebunkport?? i heard thats their summer hangout and you dooo have the texan connection… can’t wait to follow along!! xo
    thelazytravelers recently posted…jetsetters: @ThisWayParadiseMy Profile

    • hahahaha! this comment cracked me up. want to know something even more funny?! Barbara Bush has Lola’s special green enchilada recipe. NO LIE. it’s one of the very few things i make and she has my recipe!!

  8. So excited for you two and this fabulous little trip! Nothing is better than New England in the summer. xx
    Erin at The World Wanderer recently posted…Music Monday: Brooklyn.My Profile

  9. Sounds like some good times to be had….totally coming to crash your yachting experience – sounds like my kind of adventure! Enjoy ladies! Can’t wait to see the photos from your mischief and fun!
    Anita Mac recently posted…A weekend in Rochester, NYMy Profile

    • girl, if you make it to Newport – will completely hook you up with 12 Meter Charters. best boating experience i’ve had yet in Newport!

  10. I spent a nice afternoon rolling around in the dunes on a beach north of Liverpool recently. I forgot how much I enjoyed the beach, sand in my pants aside, and just goes to show you can still have a nice day by the coast in the UK. We so have to go building sandcastles some time Lola – cocktails of course part of the experience.

  11. Can’t wait to follow the adventure on the hashtags. Would love to come to Maine sometime during any time of the year.
    Traveling Ted recently posted…A Son Volt head road trip in ArkansasMy Profile

  12. You remind me that I need to explore New England some more, especially Rhode Island! Newport just got bucket-listed. 🙂
    Pola (@jettingaround) recently posted…Photo of the Week: Montrose Beach in ChicagoMy Profile

    • Pola – you must must must get to Newport. it is absolutely fantastic. even though i have spent time there over the years, it just seems to get better & better.

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